a. 期刊中析出的文献(作者不超过3人全部列出,作者之间加逗号;作者超过3人只列前3位,后加“等”字)
[序号] 作者. 文章题目[J]. 期刊名称,年,卷(期):起止或引用页码.
中文:[1]Ding Yongjian,Ye Baisheng,Liu Shiyin. Impact of climate change on the alpine streamflow during the past 40 a in the middle part of the Qilian Mountains,northwestern China[J]. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology,2000,22(3):193-199.[丁永建,叶佰生,刘时银. 祁连 山中部地区40 a来气候变化及其对径流的影响[J]. 冰川冻土,2000,22(3):193-199.]
外文:[2]Thompson L G,Yao Tandong,Davis M E,et al. Tropical climate instability:the last glacial cycle from a Qinghai-Tibetan ice core [J]. Science,1997,276:1821-1825.
b. 专著
[序号] 作者. 书名[M]. 出版地:出版者,出版年:引用页码.
中文:[3]Shi Yafeng,Huang Maohuan,Yao Tandong,et al. Glaciers and their environments in China[M]. Beijing:Science Press,2000: 401-410.[施雅风,黄茂桓,姚檀栋,等. 中国冰川与环境[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2000:401-410.]
c. 论文集中析出的文献
[序号] 作者. 文章题目[C]//编著者. 论文集名. 出版地:出版者,出版年:起止或引用页码.
中文:[4]Wu Ziwang,Liu Yongzhi,Xie Xiande. Field experiments of bearing capacity of frozen soils[C]//Professional papers on permafrost studies of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Beijing:Science Press,1983:112-119.[吴紫汪,刘永智,谢先德 . 冻土承载力的现场原位试验研究[C]//青藏冻土研究论文集. 北京:科学出版社,1983:112-119.]