怎样把参考文献按中华人民共和国国家标准 GBT-7714-2015 new整理好。谢谢各位高手赐教。
Birren, James E.,2007. Encyclopedia of Gerontology: Age, Aging, and the Aged. 2nd ed. Amsterdam:Elsevier. Gavrilov, L.A. &Heuveline, P. 2003. Aging of population. In P. Demeny and G. McNicoll (eds.),The Encyclopedia of Population. New York: Macmillan Reference, 32-37. Lundquist, JenniferHickes, Douglas L. Anderton, & David Yaukey, 2015. Demography: The Study ofHuman Population. (4th ed.). Long Grove: Waveland Press, Inc. Makoni, Sinfree.1997. Gerontolinguistics in South Africa. International Journal of AppliedLinguistics 7 (1): 57-65. Makoni, Sinfree,& Karen Grainger. 2002. “Comparative Gerontolinguistics: CharacterizingDiscourses in Caring Institutions in South Africa and the United Kingdom.”Journal of Social Issues 58 (4): 805-24. Makoni, Sinfree,2017. From elderspeak to gerontolinguistics: sociolinguistic myths. In Garcia,Ofelia, Nelson Flores, and Massimiliano Spotti (eds.), The Oxford Handbook ofLanguage and Society, 369-380. McDonald, Roger B.2014. Biology of Aging. New York: Garland Science. Victor, Christina,2010. The Demography of Ageing. In Dannefer, Dale, and Chris Phillipson (eds.),The Sage handbook of Social Gerontology. Los Angeles: Sage, 61-74. 怎样才能把上面的参考文献按国标整理好?