Use the AMA Manual of Style, 10th ed.1 for reference format style and List of Serials Indexed for Online Users11 for standard journal abbreviations (examples to follow).
• Numberreferences sequentially in the order cited in the text; do not alphabetize.Remove automatic numbering and linked citations; number references manually.
• Do notcite personal communications, unpublished observations, and submittedmanuscripts. Reference to a paper accepted but not yet published can be listedas ‘‘in press.’’ ‘‘In press’’ references must be updated by the authors as soonas publication data are available.
• Providenames of all authors in a reference when there are six or fewer; if there areseven or more authors, list only the first three, followed by ‘‘et al.’’
•Reference types. Following are requirements and examples for common referencetypes:
• Journal references includethe specified information listed in the following order—authors, article titleand subtitle, journal abbreviation, year, volume number in Arabic numerals, andinclusive pages. Example 1: Cohn KH, Ornstein DL, Wang F, et al. Thesignificance of allelic deletions and aneuploidy in colorectal carcinoma:results of a 5-year follow-up study. Cancer. 1997;79:233–244.
• Book references includethe following: authors, title, edition (if other than the first), volume (ifmore than one), city, publisher, and year. When referencing a book chapter, theorder changes as follows: authors of the chapter, title of the chapter,‘‘In:’’, editors/authors of the book, title of the book, edition (if there aremore than one), volume (if there are more than one), city, publisher, year, andinclusive pages of the chapter. Example 2: Givan AL. Flow Cytometry: FirstPrinciples.2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001. Example 3 uketich JD, Ginsberg RJ. Diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. In: Johnson BE,Johnson DH, editors. Lung Cancer. New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc., 1995:161–173.
• Electronic sources shouldinclude the type of medium (such as ‘‘computer program’’ or ‘‘CD-ROM’’), theversion used, and the supplier. References to online sources should include thetype of medium (such as ‘‘serial online’’ or ‘‘monograph online’’), the date ofthat specific reference (if applicable), the uniform resource locator (URL),and the date that the source was accessed. For web pages, please include thename of the page referenced. A source accessed online should always bereferenced accordingly, even if it is also published in printed form. Example4: Nakamura S, Yao T, Aoyagi K, Ikda M, Fujishima M, Tsuneyoshi M. Helicobacterpylori and primary gastric lymphoma: a histopathologic and immunochemicalanalysis of 237 patients. Cancer [serial online] 1997;79:3–11. Available fromURL: http://www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/cancer [accessed Dec 1, 1998]. Example5: American Cancer Society. Cancerreference information. Available from URL:http://www.cancer.org/docr007/ CRI/CRI_0.asp [accessed January 26, 2006].Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their referencesand for correct text citation.