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References and CitationsReferences
[size=1.125]Combine all references from the main text and the Supplementary Material into a single list and append it to the main text.
[size=1.125]In-text references should be cited in parentheses by their corresponding number (#). Multiple reference citations are separated by commas (#, #). When citing more than two consecutive references, use an en dash (#–#).
  • A recent study points to green frogs (1).
  • Convex mirrors provide more light (2, 3).
  • Wolves like daisies (4–6).
[size=1.125]References should be numbered in order of citation in the text: first in the text, then through figure and table captions and text boxes, and finally SM-only references. List each reference only once. Each reference should have a unique number; do not use “op.”; “cit.”; “ibid.”; or “et al.”
[size=1.125]If references are included within tables and figures, use the (#) format. Do not use author last name and publication year to denote the citation.
[size=1.125]Initial submissions can include “in-press” references but these must convert to “published” prior to publication or the reference will be removed. Personal communications and working papers are not considered acceptable references.
[size=1.125]Footnotes and endnotes are not allowed; material normally added using these formats should be incorporated into the text by authors.
[size=1.125]Science Advances uses a complete citation format that includes all authors, full titles of journal articles, the journal abbreviation, the volume number, the first and last page, and the year of publication. City of publication should be spelled out. Do not use op. cit., ibid., 3-m dashes, en dashes, or et al. in place of the complete list of authors’ names. For author names with Jr. or 2nd, etc. see example number 5 below.
[size=1.125]To find the correct abbreviations for journal names to use in your citations, consult the Bibliographic Guide for Editors and Authors (BGEA) or Serial Sources for the BIOSIS. When in doubt, provide complete title of a journal.
  • N. Tang, On the equilibrium partial pressures of nitric acid and ammonia in the atmosphere. Atmos. Environ. 14, 819-834 (1980).
  • W. R. Harvey, S. Nedergaard, Sodium-independent active transport of potassium in the isolated midgut of the Cecropia silkworm. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 51, 731-735 (1964).
  • N. H. Sleep, Stagnant lid convection and carbonate metasomatism of the deep continental lithosphere. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 10, Q11010 (2009). [online-only paper; use article number instead of page]
  • J. M. Dinning, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 42 (suppl. 1), 12 (1984). [journal with supplement noted]
  • J. D. Brown, M. R. DiChiara, K. R. Anderson, M. A. Gimbrone Jr., J. N. Topper, MEKK-1, a component of the stress (stress-activated protein kinase/c-Jun N-terminal kinase) pathway, can selectively activate Smad2-mediated transcriptional activation in endothelial cells. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 8797-8805 (1999).
[size=1.125]References to books or chapters in books, and publisher names are listed in shortened form; “press” is usually dropped, except for university presses, to distinguish them from the university itself. Only one publisher city is needed. Inclusive page numbers or a chapter number must be given when specific articles are referred to within an edited volume.
  • M. Lister, “[Chapter title goes here]” in Fundamentals of Operating Systems (Springer, New York, ed. 3, 1984), pp. 7-11.
  • J. B. Carroll, Ed., Language, Thought and Reality, Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1956).
  • R. Davis, J. King, “[Chapter title goes here]” in Machine Intelligence, E. Acock, D. Michie, Eds. (Wiley, 1976), vol. 8, chap. 3. [use short form of publisher name, not “John Wiley & Sons”]
  • J. Sprung, Corals: A Quick Reference Guide (Oceanographic Series, Ricordea, Miami, FL, 1999). [for books in series, include the series title]
  • National Academy of Sciences, Principles and Procedures for Evaluating the Toxicity of Household Substances (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1977). [organization as author and publisher]
Other Examples:Technical Reports
  • G. B. Shaw, “Practical uses of litmus paper in Möbius strips” (Tech. Rep. CUCS-29-82, Columbia Univ., 1982).
  • F. Press, “A report on the computational needs for physics” (National Science Foundation, 1981). [unpublished or access by title]
  • “Assessment of the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of chemicals,” WHO Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 556 (1974). [no author]
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), “White Paper on Bt plant-pesticide resistance management” (Publication 739-S-98-001, EPA, 1998; [the easiest access to this source is via the URL]
  • M. Konishi, paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, 10 October 1984.
Online Publications
  • E. M. Pietras, G. Cheng, A new TRADDition in intracellular antiviral signaling. Sci. Signal. 1, pe36 (2008). [Science Signaling]
  • R. K. Aziz, V. Nizet, Pathogen microevolution in high resolution. Sci. Transl. Med. 2, 16ps4 (2010). [Science Translational Medicine]
  • A. Clauset, S. Arbesman, D. B. Larremore, Systematic inequality and hierarchy in faculty hiring networks. Sci. Adv. 1, e1400005 (2015). [Science Advances]
Social media
  • B. Thomas. 2018. “Driving to the store is fun.” Facebook, June 24, 2020.
  • S. Smith (@SukiSmith). 2017. “Lighting the way with optics.” Twitter, May 22, 2017, 11:15 a.m.
  • A. Smette et al., (2001).
  • K. Abe et al., (2001) [if now published, omit the URL and provide only a standard reference]
  • R. White, “[Thesis title goes here],“ thesis, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL (1983). [Optional: The title of the thesis may be provided in quotes after the author name.]
[size=1.125]For additional examples, consult the Science citation style.


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