If the cited reference is by a single author,use the author's name followed by the year of publication in parentheses, e.g.Smith (2017). If there are two authors, the citation would be Smith and Jones(2017), while if there are three or more authors, the citation would be Smithet al. (2017) where the abbreviation “et al.” is Latin for “and others.” When citing more than oneauthor in a parenthetical sentence, separate the citations through the use of asemicolon, e.g. (Smith et al., 2017; Guo and Lee, 2015; Hernandez, 2014).
Specifically, the first initials should precedethe last name of all but the first author. If there are two or more authors,the last one is preceded by “and.”All authors must be included (do not use ‘et al.’ in the references). The author names are followed by a comma, thenthe year of publication, another comma, then the title of the paper inlowercase, except for the first word and proper nouns. The title is followed bya colon, then the journal name followed by a comma, the volume number in boldfont (without the letters “v”or “vol”), a comma, the issuenumber, and the page numbers in Roman font (without the letters “p” or “page”). As an example, the best paper in Interpretation for 2021 would becited as:
Sánchez, N., J. Pacheco, M. A. Guzman-Vega,A. Mora, and B. Horton, 2021, Timing of hydrocarbon entrapment in the easternfoothills of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Interpretation, 9, no. 1,T145-T159.