期刊要求 References to the literature or to footnotes in the text are typed in square brackets as superscripts after any punctuation. These are numbered consecutively and listed (with the numbers in square brackets not as superscripts) at the end of the main body of text. They should not contain comprehensive experimental details, which should instead be included in the Experimental Section, or long explanatory text. The names of all authors should be given, starting with the initials of given names followed by the family name (“et al.” should not be used). The names of the last two authors should be separated by a comma (not by “and”). Composite references may be used; the individual parts should be separated by a semicolon and labeled a), b), c), and not (a), (b), (c). Please double check your references to ensure correct (online) linkage. Mode of citation: Only a comma is required between the name of the last author and the title of the journal. Journal titles should be abbreviated in accordance with the "[color=var(--wiley-blue-color)]Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index" (CASSI; no commas appear in the journal names) and italicized. The journal title should be followed (no comma) by the year of publication (in boldface), comma, volume number (in italics), comma, first page or article number, period (or a semicolon within a composite reference). The following examples show citation formats for common reference types: Journals Articles: [1] a) Y. Zou, M. Zheng, W. Yang, F. Meng, K. Miyata, H. J. Kim, K. Kataoka, Z. Zhong Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1703285; b) E. Branscomb, M. J. Russell, BioEssays 2018, 40, 1700179; c) A. Behrens, K. Foremny, T. Doll, Phys. Status Solidi A., https://doi.org/10.1002/pssa.201700873; d) A. Jones, B. Smith, unpublished. Books: [2] R. J. Farrauto, L. Dorazio, C. H. Bartholomew, Introduction to Catalysis and Industrial Catalytic Processes, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ 2016. Chapter in a Multi-Authored Book: [3] J. Lienemann, A. Greiner, J. G. Korvink, X. Xiong, Y. Hanein, K. F. Böhringer, in Sensors Update, Vol. 13 (Eds: H. Baltes, G. K. Fedder, J. G. Korvink), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany 2004, Ch. 1. Proceedings Volumes: [4] a) C. D'silva, V. Parthasarathy, S. N. Rao, in Proc. 2016 Workshop Wearable Systems Applications (Eds: E. H. Lee, A. L. Copley), ACM, New York 2016, 13; b) C. D’silva, presented at 14th Annual Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, Services, New York, June 2016. Thesis and Patents: [5] a) Y. Sheima, Master Thesis, Universität Freiburg 2017.; b) H.-S. Seo, D.-C. Kim (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.), Ger. 2016122271, 2016. Preprints: [6] A. Bag, M. Neugebauer, U. Mick, S. Christiansen, S. A. Schulz, P. Banzer, (Preprint) arXiv:1909.04478, v2, submitted: Sept 2019. 期刊近期文献参考