References. The author(s) is responsible for accurate references that must conform to journal style. If references are not in journal style, the manuscript will be returned for editing without review. References in the text should quote the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication: (Brown & Smith 2003) or (Brown et al. 2003) when there are three or more authors. The reference list should include only those publications cited in the text and must be listed in alphabetic order with no numbering. Initials of forenames are placed after the surname with no commas, periods or spaces between initials. All articles should be cited in the original language of the reference, not as an English translation. References 'in press' must be filled in at latest in at the proof stage. Reference to unpublished material should state the author's name followed by 'unpublished' or 'personal communications'; such references should not appear in the reference list. Titles of journals are abbreviated according to the recommendations of the Index Medicus. We recommend the use of a tool such as Reference Manager for reference management and formatting. Examples of reference list: Abrahamsson M, Ohlsson J & Abrahamsson H (2003): Clinical evaluation of an eccentric infrared photorefactor; the PowerRefractor. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 81: 605-610. Sharaaway T (2003): Glaucoma surgery: Lest we forget. Acta Ophthalmol 81: 553-555. Bailey IL (1998): Visual acuity. In: Benjamin WJ (ed.) Borish's Clinical Clinical Refraction. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders 179-202.