以下是期刊官网要求: 附件中是一篇期刊文章,可以进行参考 References: List all references under the heading References in alphabetical order by the authors’ surname or last name. Make sure that references quoted in the text are listed. Several papers by the same author and same year must be followed by a, b, c, etc. after the year. The use of standard abbreviations is preferred. Following information must be provided for each reference.
Author or authors’ Year of publication; Title of paper/book; Abbreviated name of journal; Volume (issue number); inclusive pages. For books and proceedings, name of publisher and location is needed.
Examples: Journal articles:
Malik, M.A., A. Ghafoor, M. Saleem and M.M. Ahmad (1994). Preservation of watermelon squash using sodium benzoate and potassium metabisulphite. Pakistan. J. Agri. Sci. 31(1): 58-60. Books:
Awan, J. A. (2002). Food processing and preservation. 1st Ed. Unitech Communications; Faisalabad (Pakistan). 135 p
If the city is well known, no need to give the country, otherwise the country should be written within parenthesis after the city. Theses or reports:
Qaisrani, T. B. (1998). Use of artificial sweeteners in Knnow drink. M.Sc. thesis (unpublished). Deptt. of Food Tech., Univ. Agri., Faisalabad.
Anonymous. (2002). Economic Survey, Economic Affairs Division, Govt. Pakistan., Islamabad. Conference Proceedings: