REFERENCES • Cite in-text with italic Arabic numerals in parentheses set on the text line. • List at the end of the paper in consecutive order. • Citing papers in press is to be avoided. If the data in such papers are of importance to the work submitted, they should be included in the manuscript. Follow the style indicated below: Journal reference: Puskar K, Ta 'asan S, Schwartz R, LeDuc PR (2006) Evaluating spatial constraints in cellular assembly processes using a monte carlo approach. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2006. 45, 195-201. Chapter in book: Francis MJ and Monaco AP (2002) The Identification of Motifs Involved in the Intracellular Trafficking of the Menkes Disease Protein, in Handbook of Copper Pharmacology and Toxicology (Massaro, EJ, ed), Humana, Totowa, NJ, pp. 209-226. Book reference: Walz, W. (2002) Patch-Clamp Analysis, Humana, Totowa, NJ. Report/document: Wilk, SJ, Aboud S, Petrossian L, Goyll M, Tang JM, Eisenberg RS, Saraniti M, Goodnick SM, Thornton TJ. (2006) Ion Channel Conductance Measurements on a Silicon-Based Platform, XDDARPA, AD Number: ADA464359, Source Code: 414890, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Scientific and Technical Information Network (STINET), Technical Reports Collection.